Kingston Foor
5'10" 179lbs DE/OLB
Franklin, IN
Kingston is a very fast and agile DE/OLB from Franklin, Indiana. Kingston is very motor driven and will go 100% the entire time he is on the field. He makes an impact on the field, whether at DE fighting passed a offensive tackle, blitzing from the OLB position, or dropping back into pass coverage, you can guarantee that he will make a play. Kingston has good form tackling and with his 5.1/40 speed he is able to chase players down on the outside. This speed makes it hard for quarterbacks to escape a tackle when he is chasing them down.
In the off season Kingston can be found competing at camps or working on his own to get better. Kingston also help's the youth at his school's youth skills camp. Anything to do with football he is all about it. Kingston is also extremely coachable and will ​implement anything you tell him to if it will make him better. If Franklin has more players just like Kingston then they will have some great years ahead!​
​Class of 2027​
Position: DE/OLB
Home Team: Franklin Community High School Grizzly Cubs
Home Town: Franklin, Indiana
DeBree Score: 80
Commitment Status: Uncommitted