We have been very fortunate to help hundreds of athletes be able to play at the next level. Now I do not say this as a pat on the back, it just paints the picture of how many profiles we have seen and continue to look at. On these athletes social media profiles we see kids that have 20 offers and we see athletes that still do not have any offers. We have helped them all get to the next level.

Out of all of those athletes, they all accepted 1 offer. Is it great to have 20 offers, yes. But is it needed, no. It only takes one offer to give you the opportunity that thousands of athletes across the country dream of, playing at the next level. So don't worry about the athlete that has tons of offers and don't worry about the guys that are already committed. That wasn't for you. Keep striving for your 1 and it will come. Keep working hard to get better for when that 1 does come. Keep being a good person and that 1 will find you.
What I am saying is do not try to run someone else's race, because their race is not for you. Stay your course, run your race, and remember that it only takes 1 to offer. It only takes 1 to take a chance. Reach out to hundreds of colleges, build your film, and call coaches. Do everything you can to find that 1 and once you do, take it. Take your 1 and be the absolute best you can be for that coach that gives you that 1 opportunity. Be loyal to that coach that gives you that 1 opportunity. Because if you do those things, you will build a relationship that will last a lifetime!
Find your 1 with DeBree!